Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly is from humble beginnings, growing up at Port Ohope and Ohakana Island with his Mother & Grandparents. He left home at 17 and joined the Navy.
He served on 4 frigates, HMNZS Southland, Waikato, Wellington and Canterbury and finished off spending the last 18 months onboard the HMNZS Tarapunga, an inshore survey craft that completed hydrographic surveys.
He left the Navy after 6 years to follow his dream of becoming a fisherman. He fished out of Tauranga for 2 years from his own commercial fishing boat. He then moved to Auckland and became a shipbroker. He sold fishing boats, tugs Container ships, and LPG tankers, and also assisted with High Court in disposing of arrested Russian Ships, He then started his own business “Sean Kelly Shipbrokers”. The business was a success selling a few million dollar’s worth of commercial vessels each year.
Sean served on two America’s Cup campaigns as Fleet Engineer with the New York Yacht Club and the Telecom Italia Mobile syndicate. He also had his own vessel on hire to Race Management laying the top mark for the racing.
He then received a call from Sir Peter Blake with a job offer of Chief Engineer on “Seamaster”. So, he spent 9 months onboard “Seamaster” refitting her and thereafter crossing the Southern Ocean on an environmental exploration programme, monitoring global warming and pollution for the United Nations.
After his stint with Sir Peter Blake, Sean decided to start his own Work Boat Business. For 15 years, this business provided research surveys, hydrographic surveys, seismic surveys (both 2D and 3D) patrol work, towing, filming and movie work, salvage and diving services. This Company “Western Work Boats” was a big success and had extensive involvement in the oil and gas industry. It operated as far West as Australia, North into the Pacific, and South to the Auckland Islands and other sub-Antarctic Islands.
Sean then decided to make further change and started up Pacific 7 which is an Engineering & Contracting Company specialising in both Land & Sea operations.
Sean has a long list of qualifications and an extensive background in the Marine Sector. Sean is a self-taught expert in his field.
New Zealand is re-known for it’s Kiwi Ingenuity. Sean Kelly has this in spades. He is well known for providing solutions to maintenance and construction in and around seas, lakes, rivers and estuaries.